Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thinking on Leather Armor

Well, I was hoping to post something more here (thus why this post is so late), but I don't think I will be able to get to anything until next weekend. To be honest, I am waffling a bit. See, a few months ago I purchased a side of leather grade armor (12-14oz) from tandy during a sale.

I had intended to try to sell peaces of it to cover the cost and the peace I would keep. But when I got it, I looked at it, I smelled it, I fell in love with it. I didn't want to sell it. I wanted to make a leather Lorica Segmentata.

So far I have printed off patterns from and traced it on to my side. It takes up about 1/3rd of the side. The most non-squareed side of the side, but still a 1/3rd.

So here I sit looking at it, wanting to cut it up and make some armor, but without the hart to claim 1/3rd of the price of it as privet expense.

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