Well I haven't been able to work on any new stuff for a wile now, and 3 tutorials a week is causing me to run out of material fast. Don't worry I will still have new tutorials for next week. However I am going to have to rethink posting tutorials 3 times a week, probably tapering it down to 2 times a week. Just giving you a heads up. I will still post 3 times a week however, but I need ideas for relevant content.
I want to make this site what you want it to be. So I have some questions:
- What do you think of the tutorials? Lame? Good?
- What would make you post comments?
- What kind of tutorials would you like to see?
So what else would you like to see with this site/blog? Here are some ideas for other things I might like to post on and about:
- Cool tutorials from other sites
- Reviews on other cool tutorial sites
- News from the making stuff world
- Your submitted tutorials
- Showcase projects you have made using tutorials on this site
Would you be interested in these things? If not let me know! If yes, maybe you have some ideas?
I think you should definitely make this blog more pink. I don't know why; something about it just SCREAMS pink at me.
Maybe I'm confused.
Pink eh? At first I was like, Uhhh. No. But the more I think of it... The more I like it. Might be good for advertising? Yes it might. "No its not Salmon! Its pink!"
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